My heart is bursting with gratefulness today. We celebrated Isabella’s second birthday yesterday. Our home was full of those nearest and dearest to us and it was just perfect. Our sweet girl was so happy and busy playing with the other kids close to her age. My sweet friend came with her 3 day old! Izzy is so blessed to have 6 grandmothers! It makes my heart swell. We are surrounded by so much love and I could not be more thankful or grateful. I don’t live in my hometown anymore, but I am soo thankful that I’m not far away and see my family as often as I would like. As the sun rose early in the morning I kept remembering the morning in the hospital that she was born. It was such a long day and night of laboring. As she began to make her appearance I was pretty sure everyone was lying to me when they told me they could see her head, but sure enough she appeared. Noisy as ever and I just bawled. My husband and I were both ragged wrecks of emotion. It was such a contrast from yesterday morning enjoying each other at home. Izzy was busy quietly playing with her little cats and paw patrols, while I sipped coffee next to Ryan and we watched the news. I’m so thankful for this little family of mine and for all of our extended family who cares so much about us. Our girl loves monsters and dinosaurs. She wears ruffles and boys, but she sure is a tomboy! Thank you to the grandmas for so much of the food and decor!
Izzy Turns 2 | Girl Dinosaur Birthday
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